Send links not copies -- by Eugene Reimer 2010-Oct14

Date:    Thu, 14 Oct 2010 19:38:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Fw: Talent
From:    Eugene Reimer <>
To:      chris toews <>
CC:      larry g giesbrecht <>, Patrick Friesen <>

Thanks Chris for passing that on -- I enjoyed it.  However there is no need to attach a copy of the video.  You can easily find an online copy and then send a link -- a handful of bytes instead of millions of bytes.  One of my missions in life is preaching against this wasteful (of internet bandwidth, as well as diskspace on your friends' computer-systems) practice of sending enormous videos, slideshows, etc by email, when the proper way to communicate in this modern world involves utilizing links. 

Here's a link to an online copy of that video:

PS: "Send links not copies" is the best I've come up with as a slogan for this campaign.  I hope you will join me in trying to convert the sinners of the world.  I'll put up a rant on this subject (see for other subjects upon which I've ranted) as one small contribution.  However I fully realize that webpages won't do very well in reaching the sinners; the sinners are often people who are comfortable with emailing and forwarding emails but who do little googling nor otherwise browsing the world-wide-web, and therefore to reach them one must respond to forwarders of very large emails (as I'm doing now). 

On 2nd thought there may be a better way to go about this: the biggest factor that contributes to this sinful behaviour is the dumb choice of settings both Microsoft and Apple use as the default for their email software, in that they do not normally display the size (in bytes) of the emails being displayed.  This suggests that lobbying Microsoft and Apple, and possibly our lawmakers to put pressure upon Microsoft and Apple, to include a Size column in the one-message-per-row summary of emails may be the most effective way to promote the "Send links not copies" cause. 


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