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Photos from MarbleRidge near FisherBranch on 2003jun09:
Yellow ladyslipper: Sweet cicely?: Ramshead ladyslipper: Yellow ladyslipper: Small round-leaf orchid: w LilyOfValley-leaf Small round-leaf orchid: flower Showy ladyslipper: emerging Starflower: Small round-leaf orchid: clump Calypso: pods Labrador tea: flower Yellow ladyslipper: w pod Indian pipe: pods Prickly rose: dark-pink Prickly rose: rose-bud Valerian: Striped coralroot: w pod Striped coralroot: emerging Long-bracted orchid: Daisy fleabane: Woodtick: female Woodtick: male White pelican: 2 in flight the: Inwood snake the: Komarno mosquito group-2003: Doris+me+Richard in Komarno Sandhill crane: