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Photos from Tolstoi TGPP on 2004jun22:
the: Subway lawn-ornament the: Subway lawn-ornament John: photographing Yellow stargrass=Hypoxis hirsuta: at auto Yellow stargrass=Hypoxis hirsuta: at -1.0 Yellow stargrass=Hypoxis hirsuta: in shade Ragwort?: Ragwort?: foliage Lousewort=Wood betony=Pedicularis canadensis: Yellow ladyslipper: plant Yellow ladyslipper: closeup Yellow ladyslipper: flower Yellow ladyslipper: plant Yellow ladyslipper: plant in shade Yellow ladyslipper: bud Cotton grass: in wind Cotton grass: in wind Blue-flag iris: Blue-flag iris: in shade Blue-flag iris: freak with 6 sepals (the petals look like sepals) Blue-flag iris: colourful Small white ladyslipper: Small white ladyslipper: Small white ladyslipper: Small white ladyslipper: Small white ladyslipper: Small white ladyslipper: Small white ladyslipper: Small white ladyslipper: Small white ladyslipper: Two-flowered cynthia=Krigia biflora: was originally labelled as HawksBeard John: with feather in cap me: Yellow ladyslipper: Yellow ladyslipper: Yellow ladyslipper: Yellow ladyslipper: Yellow ladyslipper: Fleabane: Fleabane: Vetch: Vetch: oddity St-Michaels Ukrainian-Orthodox Church: St-Michaels Ukrainian-Orthodox Church: St-Michaels Ukrainian-Orthodox Church: St-Michaels Ukrainian-Orthodox Church: sign