[Hover on a thumbnail to see the caption;  Click on a thumbnail for a larger picture]

Photos from the MNS Natural-Garden Tour on 2006jul22:

Photos from Nora & Birnie Reid's garden on 2006jul22:
Cabbage white butterfly: on Echinacea

Photos from Agnes & Jake's garden on 2006jul22:
Sorrel: or Süaromp in Dietsch

Photos from Ken & Lori's garden on 2006jul22:
waterfall: Elephant-ear=Colocasia esculenta=Colocasia antiquorum: its root is an edible starchy corm Taro Potato vine=Jasmine nightshade=Solanum jasminoides?:

Photos from Denys & Lillian's garden on 2006jul22:
Bumblebee: on unidentified Bumblebee: on unidentified Leopard plant=Golden groundsel=Ligularia dentata:

Photos from Traute Klein's garden on 2006jul22:
- Ms Klein taught me that the little cheeses are edible; raw they remind me of unroasted peanuts; I wonder what they'd be like roasted?