[Hover on a thumbnail to see the caption;  Click on a thumbnail for a larger picture]

Photos from Regina-to-Yorkton on 2007may26:
roadkill: Racoon roadkill: Racoon roadkill: Porcupine barn: house: quonset-shaped

Photos from WDM-Museum-Yorkton on 2007may26:
WDM-Museum: sign Saskatchewan Western Development Museums at their Yorkton museum WDM-Museum: 1907 Maxwell Roadster WDM-Museum: 1907 Maxwell Roadster info WDM-Museum: tranverse-engine chain-drive tractor WDM-Museum: American-Abell of Toronto 18hp portable steam-engine cock-o-the-north WDM-Museum: American-Abell of Toronto 18hp portable steam-engine info WDM-Museum: Case portable steam-engine WDM-Museum: WaterlooMfg of WaterlooOnt steam tractor WDM-Museum: Avery of PeoriaILL Bulldog steam tractor teeth-talk WDM-Museum: GeiserMfg of WaynesboroPA steam tractor WDM-Museum: 1918 Moline-Universal-9-18hp internal-combustion tractor WDM-Museum: 1918 Moline-Universal-9-18hp internal-combustion tractor info WDM-Museum: 1930 Massey-Harris gasoline tractor WDM-Museum: 1930 Massey-Harris gasoline tractor info WDM-Museum: 1919 GrayTractorCo of MinneapolisMN 18-36hp gasoline tractor tranverse-engine chain-drive WDM-Museum: 1919 GrayTractorCo of MinneapolisMN 18-36hp gasoline tractor tranverse-engine chain-drive WDM-Museum: 1919 GrayTractorCo of MinneapolisMN 18-36hp gasoline tractor tranverse-engine chain-drive WDM-Museum: 1919 GrayTractorCo of MinneapolisMN 18-36hp gasoline tractor info WDM-Museum: McCormick Reaper invented by Cyrus Hall McCormick founder of McCormick Harvesting Machine Company later McCormick-Deering later International Harvester Company whose products are commonly known as corn-binders WDM-Museum: McCormick Reaper info WDM-Museum: Massey-Harris Reaper WDM-Museum: binder WDM-Museum: Avery internal-combustion tractor gear-driven WDM-Museum: Cockshutt 10-bottom plow WDM-Museum: Cockshutt 10-bottom plow closeup

-- it was 15-minutes to closing-time when we got to the museum; one should allow a great deal more time than that to do justice to this marvelous collection of early agricultural machinery.

Photos from Hwy5 near Canora-SK on 2007may26:
church: St Peter and Paul Romanian Orthodox Church church: St Peter and Paul Romanian Orthodox Church sign church: St Peter and Paul Romanian Orthodox Church church: St Peter and Paul Romanian Orthodox Church cross closeup church: St Peter and Paul Romanian Orthodox Church cross closeup

Photos from Hwy5 near Kamsack-SK on 2007may26:
barn: unusual rafter shape barn: unusually large for its era

Photos from MadgeLake on 2007may26:
Palmate-leaved coltsfoot: Palmate-leaved coltsfoot: