[Hover on a thumbnail to see the caption;  Click on a thumbnail for a larger picture]

Photos from Senkiw-Orchid-Festival on 2007jun17:
group-2007: at trailhead Red milkweed-borer=Tetraopes femoratus: on Milkweed Red milkweed-borer=Tetraopes femoratus: on Milkweed closer group-2007: descending steps group-2007: descending steps group-2007: on swinging-bridge Yellow ladyslipper large-variety: two plants photographer: John and yellows Rose+Huguette: with subtle sign John Dyck: speaking John Dyck: and audience Eleanor Karalash: speaking church: Ukrainian Orthodox Chuch of the Nativity of St.Mary outside church: Ukrainian Orthodox Chuch of the Nativity of St.Mary inside church: Ukrainian Orthodox Chuch of the Nativity of St.Mary windows church: Ukrainian Orthodox Chuch of the Nativity of St.Mary chandelier church: Ukrainian Orthodox Chuch of the Nativity of St.Mary inside

Photos from Joe Ewanchuk property in Senkiw on 2007jun17:
machinery: on Joe Ewanchuk yard Showy ladyslipper: clump Showy ladyslipper: clump+distant-large-clump BAD Tetraopes femoratus (based on Bug-guide) -->