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Photos from the WildGrapeTrail in BeaudryProvincialPark on 2007sep22:
sign: and trail-map trail: through riparian forest in fall Wild grape=Vitis riparia: Wild grape=Vitis riparia: Wild grape=Vitis riparia: lots of them Carrion-flower: Carrion-flower: Snow goose: amongst CanadaGeese directly overhead mystery-plant: likely VirginiaCreeper with missing leaflets Mountain maple: red foliage Mountain maple: red foliage closer Virginia creeper: red foliage Beaver-chewed-stump: of GreenAsh Wild grape=Vitis riparia: leaf
- 'tis refreshing to encounter a trail that lives up to its name.

Photos from BeaudryProvincialPark on 2007sep22:
group-2007: ready for lunch Anita: awaiting ThirteenStripedGroundSquirrel Thirteen-striped ground-squirrel: being fed by Anita Thirteen-striped ground-squirrel: being fed by Anita closer Thirteen-striped ground-squirrel: eating