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Photos from Roland on 2008jun12:
the: Roland Pumpkin the: Roland Pumpkin sign: at Roland Pumpkin

Photos from near MountNebo on 2008jun12:
Pembina escarpment=Manitoba Escarpment: Pembina escarpment=Manitoba Escarpment: Wild turkey: flock Wild turkey: flock

Photos from MountNebo on 2008jun12:
White onion: Fragile prickly-pear-cactus=Opuntia fragilis: Fragile prickly-pear-cactus=Opuntia fragilis: Missouri milk-vetch: plant Missouri milk-vetch: pods American vetch: Beach pea=Lathyrus sp: Mountain spring parsley=Cymopterus montanus: Mountain spring parsley=Cymopterus montanus: Mountain spring parsley=Cymopterus montanus: Syrphid-fly: on LeafySpurge Syrphid-fly: on LeafySpurge Syrphid-fly: on LeafySpurge ?: RockCress Shining arnica=Arnica fulgens: Sandwort: Nodding trillium: Nodding trillium: from below Columbine: Baneberry=Actaea rubra: Downy yellow violet=Viola pubescens: Yellow ladyslipper small-variety: Yellow ladyslipper small-variety: Yellow crowfoot buttercup=Ranunculus gmelini: Buttercup ?: possibly a stinkweed relative?
- that Syrphid-fly, according to Bob Lamb & Pat MacKay, is in the genus Sphaerophoria, probably a male because the eyes almost meet on the top of the head

Photos from near Carman on 2008jun12:
Small white ladyslipper=Cypripedium candidum: clump Small white ladyslipper=Cypripedium candidum: plant Small white ladyslipper=Cypripedium candidum: flower Ladyslipper-hybrid=Cypripedium X andrewsii: clump Ladyslipper-hybrid=Cypripedium X andrewsii: clump Ladyslipper-hybrid=Cypripedium X andrewsii: clump Ladyslipper-hybrid=Cypripedium X andrewsii: clump Ladyslipper-hybrid=Cypripedium X andrewsii: flower Ladyslipper-hybrid=Cypripedium X andrewsii: flower Ladyslipper-hybrid=Cypripedium X andrewsii: clump Ladyslipper-hybrid=Cypripedium X andrewsii: two flowers on one stem Ladyslipper-hybrid=Cypripedium X andrewsii: clump Ladyslipper-hybrid=Cypripedium X andrewsii: and YellowLadyslipper Hoary puccoon=Lithospermum canescens: possibly Narrow-leaved puccoon=Lithospermum incisum plant Hoary puccoon=Lithospermum canescens: possibly Narrow-leaved puccoon=Lithospermum incisum flowers Hoary puccoon=Lithospermum canescens: possibly Narrow-leaved puccoon=Lithospermum incisum leaves Yellow ladyslipper large-variety: Yellow ladyslipper large-variety: Yellow ladyslipper large-variety: Yellow ladyslipper large-variety: Yellow ladyslipper: two buds on one stem