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Inuvik-trip day-18 (Whitehorse-YT to Carcross to WatsonLake-YT) on 2008jul10

Photos from the MilesCanyonOverlook near Whitehorse-YT on 2008jul10:
sign: Recent Past sign: Ancient Past scenery: scenery: scenery: ?unidentified: Hedysarum or Milk-vetch plant ?unidentified: Hedysarum or Milk-vetch flowers scenery: scenery: bridge: bridge: scenery: scenery: scenery: Peggy: on bridge Spearleaf stonecrop=Sedum lanceolatum: plant Spearleaf stonecrop=Sedum lanceolatum: flowers scenery:

Photos from the Carcross Desert near Carcross-YT on 2008jul10:
sign: about CarcrossDesert photographer: Doris and the desert Littleflower penstemon=Penstemon procerus: clump Showy jacobs-ladder=Polemonium pulcherrimum: white form clump Showy jacobs-ladder=Polemonium pulcherrimum: white form flower Yukon lupin=Lupinus kuschei: plant Yukon lupin=Lupinus kuschei: flowers Baikal sedge=Carex sabulosa ssp leiophylla: plant Baikal sedge=Carex sabulosa ssp leiophylla: fruit Gormans penstemon: plant Three-toothed saxifrage: clump scenery: Showy jacobs-ladder=Polemonium pulcherrimum: clump Showy jacobs-ladder=Polemonium pulcherrimum: flowers Pacific wormwood=Artemisia campestris: plant Pacific wormwood=Artemisia campestris: buds Foxtail: reddish form Spikelike goldenrod=Solidago simplex: plant Spikelike goldenrod=Solidago simplex: buds Forget-me-not=Myosotis scorpoides: plant Forget-me-not=Myosotis scorpoides: flowers Lodgepole pine=Pinus contorta var latifolia: Lodgepole pine=Pinus contorta var latifolia: Doris: with desert+mountain background Bearberry=Kinnikinnick=Arctostaphylos uva-ursi:

Photos from Carcross-YT on 2008jul10:
building: Carcross train station bridge: in Carcross building: in Carcross object: button-blanket sign: about button-blankets info: on rare plants

Photos from the TlingitInterpretiveCentre on 2008jul10:
boat: info: boat-maker Common yarrow=Achillea millefolium: dark form? plant Common yarrow=Achillea millefolium: dark form? flowers Ragwort: scenery: view of Dawson Peaks

Photos from RancheriaFalls-YT on 2008jul10:
sign: about RancheriaFalls Stemless arctic raspberry: bad lichens: bad scenery: falls scenery: falls grass?: Three-toothed saxifrage?: bad Leaf lichen: bad Three-toothed saxifrage: clump on steep slope scenery: falls wildflowers: and lichens with rock background Three-toothed saxifrage+Bunchberry: unusually tall boardwalk: boardwalk: note construction details red-moss: and lichens bad Balsam fir: with prostrate growth-habit Pink corydalis: plant Pink corydalis: flowers+spider ?unidentified: blue-flowered plant ?unidentified: blue-flowered flowers bad