[Hover on a thumbnail to see the caption;  Click on a thumbnail for a larger picture]

Photos from pr304 and pr314 in Nopiming Provincial Park on 2009jul30:
Ruffed grouse: chickens crossing road Pearl-crescent butterfly=Phyciodes tharos: on Smooth aster Fritillary+Checkerspot+Pearl-crescent butterfly: on Smooth aster Fritillary+Checkerspot+Pearl-crescent butterfly: on Smooth aster Pearl-crescent butterfly=Phyciodes tharos: on Smooth aster Pearl-crescent butterfly=Phyciodes tharos: on Smooth aster Syrphid-fly: on Smooth aster Greenstone: Greenstone: closer the: pig of Nopiming Ruffed grouse: beside road Ruffed grouse: beside road Red elderberry=Sambucus racemosa?: plant Red elderberry=Sambucus racemosa?: foliage Red elderberry=Sambucus racemosa?: umbel of buds and flowers Red elderberry=Sambucus racemosa?: buds and flowers closer Red elderberry=Sambucus racemosa?: flower Red elderberry=Sambucus racemosa?: flower with Black-fly Red elderberry=Sambucus racemosa?: umbel of seed-capsules Red elderberry=Sambucus racemosa?: seed-capsules closer Platanthera huronensis: plant Platanthera huronensis: flower-spike with pods and flowers
- the plant tentatively identified as Red elderberry was NOT woody, so we need to try again...

Photos from Black Lake on 2009jul30:
photographer: Doris zooms in on mushroom Russula mushroom:

Photos from east side of pr314 near Rabbit River on 2009jul30:
Platanthera huronensis: plant Spotted coralroot autonym-variety=Corallorhiza maculata var maculata: plant with flowers and fresh pods Spotted coralroot autonym-variety=Corallorhiza maculata var maculata: flower Spotted coralroot autonym-variety=Corallorhiza maculata var maculata: flower Pipsissewa=Chimaphila umbellata: plant Pipsissewa=Chimaphila umbellata: plant Pipsissewa=Chimaphila umbellata: flowers and buds Pipsissewa=Chimaphila umbellata: flower and buds Early coralroot: fresh pods and old pods bad focus Orange laccaria mushroom=Laccaria laccata: Orange laccaria mushroom=Laccaria laccata: from below

Photos from pth11 near Pinawa on 2009jul30:
Turkey vulture: seven sitting on fenceposts Turkey vulture: sitting on fencepost Turkey vulture: sitting on fencepost Turkey vulture: sitting on fencepost Turkey vulture: flying Turkey vulture: flying
- note: this site had the strong aroma of carrion coming from a maggot-infested deer carcass

Photos from N of pth15 near Contour on 2009jul30:
Red elderberry=Sambucus racemosa?: plant Syrphid-fly: on Red elderberry=Sambucus racemosa?