James Friesen Tribute

[Hover on a thumbnail to see the caption;  Click on a thumbnail for a larger picture]

James as a youngster from:Becky James Picks Coconut on Florida Keys from:judy MiniGolf Winnipeg from:judy 2005apr04 at St.James Perkins:  Reimer cousins at Perkins 2006jun11 at KPL-Reimer-gathering for Aunt Liz's 80th:  Reimer-gathering-2006 James Iris Judy 2009jun01 at Pinawa:  Ralph+James+Ron on swinging bridge 2009jun01 at Pinawa:  me+James+Ralph 2009jun01 at Pinawa:  James+Ron+me+Ralph 2009sep14 at St-Vital Park:  Reimer-Cousins James guides her toward the dock 2009sep14 at St-Vital Park:  Reimer-Cousins on Ralph's boat closer

Emails from James:
During his last 7 months, James did a lot of emailing.  Most of his emails were things written by others, and yet we see something of James in the selecting of which ones he chose to forward and to whom.  Assembling these collections of emails selected by Ron, Ralph, and me, shed some light on how selective James was in his forwarding.  We'd each received many emails from him but the sets were far from identical.  The ones we'd all received only amounting to about one-third of those any one of us had received.  James's email at 2010-03-22 18:45:46 was the last one I received from him. 

James-emails selected by Eugene Reimer
James-emails selected by Ron Friesen
James-emails selected by Ralph Unger

Other Links:
Obituary of James Friesen
Obituary of James Friesen - from Winnipeg Free Press 2010-04-10
Photos from James Memorial Service in Birds Hill Park on 2010jul25