Using CanadaPost's SellOnline facility

2009-Jan:  As mentioned in my Canada-Post rant, I first toyed with the idea of using this free facility from Canada-Post in 2008-Jan, when needing to revise shipping rates, but I got side-tracked by my frustration over their site refusing to allow itself to be read by any browser available to those who value free software.  That is a darn shame, and Canada-Post ought to be ashamed of itself!  As if it has any shame:-)

Then, one year later when once again needing to revise shipping rates, I gave it another try.  And got it working.  The required Perl modules are available from CPAN:  Statistics::OLS;  while Business::CanadaPost is available at CPAN, you're advised to get the updated version from the link below.

Here is the Perl script.

Here is an updated Business::CanadaPost module to reflect changes at Canada-Post.